Nano-Clean Series Panels

The NANO-CLEAN series is a panel series that incorporates features such as flexibility, sealing and high-pressure resistance required by Clean Room Panels, Electronics, semiconductor technology and biotechnology facilities.

The total thickness is 50 mm.


0.60 - 0.80 mm Prepainted sheet

0.60 - 0.80 mm 304 stainless steel

0.60 - 080mm 316 stainless steel


2 * (3 + 3) mm laminated glass

2 * 6 mm tempered glass


Rock wool,

60 min. Fire Resistant P.I.R Fire-Safe Polyisocyanurate

Datacable profile addition for easy demounting, Special utility duct for cable and pipe passages, standard width 1180 mm, height up to 3000 mm.



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HTL, Hava Duşu, Pass Box, Temiz oda, Clean room,