Pharma Clean Series Panels

“Pharma-clean” Clean Room Panels


*It has excellent abrasion and scratch resistance. However, screching, impacts and steel materials can create damage on surfaces.

*The thermal resistance is high. Normally it is considered fireproofed. The ignition temperature is 400 ° C. Only in direct flame the flame comes on, even in this case, the flame goes out automatically when the flame is removed.

*Approved for contact with food materials.

*It is resistant to cleaning materials and disinfectants.

*Strong acids and alkalis can cause stains on the surface. No risk of rusting.


*3 mm HPL

*Regarding fire resistance, it is in the norms of TS EN 13823: 2002/11 and TS EN ISO 11925-2: 2004/04.


*28-30 kg high density EPS,

*B1 according to DIN 4102 standard, P.I.R fire safe polyisocyanurate according to EN 13501-1 standard E standard and B-s2-d0 according to EN13501-1: 2007 standard.

Internal structure:

Panel complex extruded aluminum profile is closed.

Inner aluminum profile thickness 1.5 mm,

Connection profile thickness 2.3 mm


Baseboard profile thickness 1.5 mm

Inner fixing profile thickness 2 mm

Cable passage in accordance with the order,

Standard width 1200 mm, height 3000 mm, more height possible with extra panels.


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HTL, Hava Duşu, Pass Box, Temiz oda, Clean room,