HTL-Peroxmin Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide Area / Cabin Sterilization System

HTL-Peroxmin Evaporated Hydrogen Peroxide Room / Cabinet Sterilization System


Hydrogen peroxide is a very effective and non-residue surface sterilization system.




High Pathogenic Virus and Microbiology Laboratories

Hospitals and Health facilities

Hot-sensitive equipment sterilization

Tactical Vehicle and Aircraft Sterilization,

Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Plants,

Biosafety cabins, insulators,

BSL-3/4 Laboratories and Animal Laboratories.

Short description:

Our body; some cells in our cells produce H2O2 by some enzymes to fight foreign microorganisms. When the task is completed, the peroxydoxysin enzyme releases hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. The application of similar system to the industry has been an interesting and very useful application. Drying of room air automatically performed in the application, conditioning Sterilization Deactivation steps of H2O2 by converting it into water vapor and oxygen are applied.


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HTL, Hava Duşu, Pass Box, Temiz oda, Clean room,